December 2022 SRDC Regional Trails Newsletter

Dec 2022 SRDC Regional Trails Newletter

You are invited to the second Regional Trails Plan Workgroup Meeting. At this meeting, we’ll be asking for your ideas on connecting current and planned trail routes, reviewing where we’re at with planning, and discussing recommendations for community outreach efforts across the region in spring/summer 2023. We’ll also provide time for trails groups to share what’s working and get feedback/advice from other trails efforts across the region. This will be a hands-on meeting. We’ll have you marking maps and making recommendations. Your participation will not only help lead our planning efforts, but will help bring awareness to the unique experiences and places that make Southwest Minnesota a destination.

To make the meeting most effective for participation, we’re breaking up the meeting into either an in-person or online option.
The in-person meeting will take place Thursday, January 26, 2pm-4pm at the SRDC office.
The virtual meeting will take place Thursday, February 2, 2pm-4pm via zoom (zoom link will be emailed).
We ask that you RSVP for the meeting by 5pm Monday, January 23, 2023.

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