Advisory Committee

Work ProgramATP | Transit | Trail Plans | Safe Routes to School Plans | Construction Projects & Resources

Transportation Advisory Committee

The Transportation Committee is convened to review, comment, and make recommendations on local, regional, district, and statewide transportation issues, plans, and programming. The Committee actively participates in commenting on transportation projects submitted for Federal Surface Transportation Funds. The Committee holds an annual meeting in July with the Mn/DOT District Engineers (Mankato and Willmar) to discuss transportation issues, concerns, and priorities; and to facilitate communication between local units of government and Mn/DOT.


The SRDC Transportation Committee membership is derived from the SRDC Full Commission, of which the majority are elected officials. The current membership of the Committee is:

Regional Planning

The SRDC Work Program identifies the need to conduct long-range transportation planning to promote a seamless transportation network. This is accomplished by working with MnDOT to prepare Regional Studies required by the legislature (i.e. Functional Classification, Market Artery, Economic Analysis, Scenic By-ways), and review and provide assistance with proposed plans to upgrade present transportation systems that serve the region.

Work ProgramATP | Transit | Trail Plans | Safe Routes to School Plans | Construction Projects & Resources

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