Construction Projects and Resources

Work Program | Advisory Committee | ATP | Transit |Trail PlansSafe Routes to School Plans

Road and Bridge Projects

This page will take you to links of Road and Bridge Programs and Projects in Southwest Minnesota.

County Five Year Road and Bridge Plans


  • US DOT Provides access to other state DOT websites, Federal agencies related to Transportation; and provides information about the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, FHWA Programs, Legislation, and other websites.
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)  Provides access to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), News and Events, Road and Traveler Information, Links to the modal office in MnDOT, Publications, and Links to Other sites.
  • 511 Traveler Information Provides information about road and weather conditions.

Work Program | Advisory Committee | ATP | Transit |Trail PlansSafe Routes to School Plans

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